Suffering from sleep deprivation? This is how you calculate your ideal bedtime

Do you often wake up tired even though you feel like you have slept enough? That is a common problem for many. How much sleep you need differs per person. Curious about your ideal bedtime? This is how you calculate it.

Also read: Why do summer and winter time exist and is it really necessary?

Ideal sleeping time

While one person does very well on eight hours of sleep, the other can get through the day just fine on six hours. It is quite logical that it differs for everyone how much sleep they need.

Of course, it can sometimes happen that you accidentally go to bed too late and feel tired the next day. Then you know, okay, I have to go to bed earlier tonight. But even if you get ‘enough’ sleep, you may still feel terribly tired and cranky the next morning. The reason? You have not achieved your ideal sleep time. Fortunately, that can be solved with this simple trick.

Sleep cycles

It can sometimes be difficult for you to estimate how many hours you need to sleep. Is six hours enough? Or do you lean more towards eight hours? Actually, it all depends a bit on your sleep cycles (light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep). Such a sleep cycle lasts about an hour and a half. For adults, it is good to go through four to six of those cycles. That means six to nine hours of sleep per night. And guess what? Women need an extra 20 minutes of sleep.

Bedtime tool

So you would like to calculate what the best bedtime is for you. We have found a handy tool that will help you with this. This tool is from and calculates for you what time your head should hit the pillow. Suppose you are a woman between 22-64 years old and you want to get up at 7:30 am, you would have to go to bed at 9:55 pm if you want to go through six sleep cycles. If you are okay with five sleep cycles, your bedtime is 11:25 PM.

With six sleep cycles you are guaranteed to wake up cheerful and recharged, but with five sleep cycles this is probably slightly less. Super handy tool, right? Sleep well!





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