Romantic drama: “Are You The One?” – Ryan denies guilt

Romantic drama: "Are You The One?" - Ryan denies guilt

Ryan Wöhrl is currently on Are You The One? looking for his perfect match. So far, the hottie hasn’t let anything go wrong: After initially flirting with Edda Pilz, a short time later he went to the Boom Boom Room with Pia. But then he suddenly developed a great interest in the nurse Jana Klein. His erratic behavior is often met with incomprehension by women. In the Glamial interview Ryan Clearly, he is not to blame!

“I quickly notice whether I want to get to know a woman more intensively or not, and I give a lot, which means that women often read more into it,” the Bavarian makes clear in an interview with Glamial. Ryan However, I spoke too loudly when he talked about being in love again: “I actually just said that.” The influencer quickly notices whether he wants to get to know a woman more intensively or not. “But to fall in love, you really have to match,” emphasizes Ryan.

The Casanova was met with incomprehension as to why his on-off flame Edda was still hoping for a future together: “I communicated with Edda from the start that I can’t imagine continuing to get to know her outside,” he said Ryan compared to Glamial. He never gave the personal trainer any security.

Ryan Wöhrl, reality TV celebrity
Ryan Wöhrl, reality TV celebrity
Ryan, “Are You The One?” contestant
Ryan, “Are You The One?” contestant
Edda, “Are You The One?” candidate
Edda, “Are You The One?” candidate





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