NBA star Chance Comanche helped his ex-girlfriend murder!

NBA star Chance Comanche helped his ex-girlfriend murder!

That sounds like something out of a crime thriller. Chance Comanche is actually known for making the basketball court unsafe. The athlete currently plays for Memphis Hustle. Instead of successes in shooting baskets, however, some pretty frightening headlines are now making the rounds. A few days ago, the American was arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman. Now confess chance his horrible deed!

As Bild reports, the published police file should show that chance confessed to helping his ex-girlfriend Sakari Harnden murder on December 6th. To do this, he lured the victim into his car, tied her up and then strangled her. The athlete told the police that he stopped early when the victim was struggling to breathe – but Sakari continued.

But what caused the ex-couple to do such an act? As reported by The Los Angeles Times, among others, Sakari and the victim are said to have argued over a luxury watch. The 19-year-old then incited her ex to commit the crime. A third person was also supposed to be implicated in the murder, but that probably didn’t happen.

Chance Comanche
Chance Comanche
Chance Comanche
Chance Comanche
Chance Comanche in February 2017
Chance Comanche in February 2017





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