It’s almost Christmas: this is how you mentally prepare yourself for all the Christmas stimuli

Many people think Christmas is the most important time of the year and we agree on that. But we also agree that Christmas brings quite a few incentives. People around you every day, family, friends, in-laws, flashing lights everywhere, a Christmas hangover. Because of all those stimuli, we sometimes feel completely overstimulated after the holidays. How do you deal with this and how do you prepare for it?

Preparing for Christmas incentives

Be prepared for your planning

There are a lot of things coming your way during the Christmas holidays. It is therefore useful to make a plan and prepare well for it. Do you give each other presents on Christmas Day? Then make sure you buy these gifts in time. This way you don’t have to stress about this before the holidays start and you can lean back a little more. Will you take care of the dessert? Get all the ingredients in time and make sure you can make the dessert at home. It is also nice to have a plan: what are you going to do on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day? By having that plan, you also create more peace in your head.

Take moments for yourself

Between the busy Christmas holidays it is sometimes difficult to take moments for yourself. Yet it is very important to do this. Walk outside where possible, sit in a room to relax, listen to music or read a book. This way you ‘de-stimulate’ for a while and recharge yourself and you don’t get overstimulated.

This is not only important during Christmas, but also before and after. Don’t plan the week before and after Christmas full of appointments, but plan this week for yourself to recharge.

Be honest with the rest

It also helps a lot to tell others that Christmas is sometimes ‘a lot’ for you. By being honest about this, the rest will take you into account better. Your environment may ask less of you if you indicate this. It is not only a liberation for yourself, but also for everyone else. Why? If you become overstimulated, you are probably also irritated more quickly and that is not fun for anyone.

Drink less alcohol

Alcohol sometimes also causes you to become overstimulated more quickly. Not necessarily on the day itself, but especially if you have a little hangover, you may be more irritable. You have a few days left for Christmas. It’s a shame to feel exhausted (mentally and physically) half the time by drinking (too much) alcohol.





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