Hooray for Mary! New queen blows out 52 candles

Her first birthday as a queen!

Today is a big celebration in Denmark. Mary turns 52 today, celebrating her first anniversary as queen. In honor of this special day, we look back on the time in which she grew from girl next door to Danish queen.

Puppy love

Mary met her Frederik in the year 2000, during the Olympic Games in Sydney. They both happened to be in the same bar, where Frederik was introduced to Mary as ‘Freddy’. The two fell in love, and what started as a secret long-distance relationship eventually culminated in a royal wedding in 2004.

Big party: on May 14, 2004, the couple tied the knot. (Image: NL Image)

Royal kids

More than a year later, their first prince was born: Christian. Isabella followed less than two years later, and in 2011 twins Vincent and Josephine were born. This made the royal family complete.

Vincent and Josephine
How sweet is this photo of the Danish twins with a bunch of cuddly puppies? (Image: NL Image)

Fashionable princess

Mary gave birth to quite a few children, but in the meantime she also developed as a crown princess with an increasing sense of royal fashion. Since then we have known her as a royal who, when it comes to fashion, is at home in all markets.

From a sporty snow suit…

Image: NL Image

…to a glamor look full of drama.

royal glitter
Image: NL Image

From princess to queen

Mary has quickly grown from an ‘ordinary’ Australian girl to a Danish glamor princess. On New Year’s Eve, however, mother-in-law Margrethe dropped a royal bomb that would turn the crown princess’s life around 180 degrees again. The 83-year-old queen said in her New Year’s speech that she would abdicate with effect from January 14 – a decision that made Mary queen in one fell swoop.

Just after Frederik and Mary’s engagement, the new couple naturally conducted the necessary interviews. When asked whether it had already sunk in that Mary would become the next queen of Denmark, she replied diplomatically: “Not quite yet, no. And as I’ve said a few times today: this is the first day I’m really starting in this role. And how I will fulfill that role will evolve over time.”

We don’t know whether Mary has gotten used to her new title, but it seems like she has it pretty much under control. As we know her, Mary remains very down-to-earth and continues to live her life as fashionably as we have come to expect from her. We can therefore do nothing but encourage her to continue to carry on her new role with gusto, and of course to treat herself to a glass of bubbles and a large piece of cake today. Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Your Highness!

Source: Glamial archive | Image: NL Image





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