Do you find it difficult to keep your bedroom tidy? With these tips, your room will always be spick and span

Keeping your bedroom tidy is important. For example, you can sleep better and it looks a lot more organized. However, keeping your bedroom tidy is not always easy. Are you a slob? This way you always keep your bedroom tidy.

Give everything its own place

The best way to keep your bedroom tidy is to give everything its own place. This sounds very logical, but not all things always have a permanent place. We always have a few loose items just lying around. These types of items should also have a permanent place, so you will never lose them again and they will no longer cause unnecessary clutter.

make your bed

One way to make your bedroom look tidy is to make your bed. It’s a small effort but it makes a big difference. Especially if your decorative pillows end up on the floor during the night, it is a good idea to make your bed again in the morning. This way you free up space on your floor.

Get rid of things you don’t need

We have some things in our possession, but we don’t use them at all. These items then create unnecessary clutter. That’s not handy. What you can do is stick to the six-month rule. Haven’t used an item in six months? Then put it away. You can apply this same principle to clothing. Take a look at what you have and be mindful about what you really need and what you don’t.

Make it a habit to put things away immediately

Clutter builds up when you don’t put things back after you use them. For example, you’ve done your makeup and don’t put your products back in their place. Or you took an outfit out of the closet but decided not to wear it. If you do this daily, the mess builds up quite quickly. Therefore, make it a habit to put your things back after you have used them.

Spend a few minutes a day tidying your bedroom

There will be times when you won’t be able to put back everything you used. Or sometimes you have several glasses in your room that actually need to be washed. Take a few minutes every day to do these types of chores. This means the mess doesn’t build up and cleaning your bedroom doesn’t become a huge job that you keep putting off. This way, keeping your room tidy becomes a lot more manageable.





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