These zodiac signs have the largest group of friends

Having friends is important. They support you, you can laugh with them and they send you funny TikToks. The number of friends someone likes to have varies greatly from person to person. Some people like a small inner circle, others prefer to have as many besties as possible. These are the zodiac signs that have a large group of friends.


Leo is one of the most popular zodiac signs. They have a warm personality and therefore attract new friends easily and quickly. They make friends everywhere they go, on holiday, at work and at events. Lions really enjoy attention. So adding new friends to their inner circle is only fun for them. When surrounded by their friends, everyone laughs at the jokes the Lion tells and listens attentively to their stories. Lions can enjoy this immensely. Being the center of attention is the biggest benefit of having a large group of friends for this zodiac sign.


Libras are very social types. This zodiac sign can make a new friend within five minutes through a simple conversation. This zodiac sign is outgoing and likes to make connections with others. This is also why Libras always have a large collection of friends that they know from all kinds of different things. They have friends from school, work, roommates, colleagues, you name it. Once you enter the life of a Libra, you won’t want to leave. Libras want to be liked by others, which makes them people pleasers. They do their best to be liked and this is also an important source of self-confidence for them. Scales are inherently popular. They are not the queen bee for nothing.


Aquarians are quirky people and this is what attracts others to them. Aquarians have a large, loud and sometimes somewhat complicated group of friends. But they would like nothing more than the friends they have. This zodiac sign has a large inner circle made up of pretty much everyone they know, even exes. This zodiac sign also doesn’t mind mixing romantic and platonic relationships. In their group of friends you will find, for example, their situationships, friends with benefits and crushes, but also their platonic besties that they know from primary school. Aquarians enjoy going out with their group of friends. They also don’t like being alone. Spending an evening sitting on the couch is not for them.





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