Need a gift for your best friend? Make a photo book!

Your best friend is one of the most important people in your life. Together you experience the most beautiful moments, but there is also time for sadness. After all these years it’s time for a nice gift. Consider, for example, a photo book. Here you have all those memories together in one place. We will take you step by step. This way you can easily create a photo book. Read on and get started!

Collect all your memories

You start by collecting all your photos together. Look through old photo albums, check all your social media pages and ask friends and family for help. Go for photos that reflect your friendship well. Think of that fun night out or that beautiful city trip to Malaga that you made. Don’t forget to choose some funny and embarrassing photos. This is where the feeling of nostalgia comes into play. This is how you choose the best photos for the photo book!


Choose a theme

Consider choosing a theme for the photo book. Perhaps after looking through the photos you got a good idea. Have you already been on dozens of city trips? Or have you visited the nicest restaurants? Then you can choose to fully focus on this. A theme helps you organize the photos and create a cohesive feel. Can you really not choose? Divide the book into different themes. This really shows the friendship well!

Add a personal touch

Don’t just go for photos, add personal notes too. Write down your best memories and share funny anecdotes on each page. Of course, you’ll also throw in some inside jokes that only the two of you will understand. So your friend leafs through the book again and hears you say it. This makes the book even more valuable. It really shows how deep your bond is!

Give it with love

Is the book finished? Then now is the time to give it with love. Of course, you don’t just pass on a book like that. Plan a fun evening. Go out to your favorite restaurant. Does she prefer not to cry in public? Then plan a fun movie night at your home. Take a moment and tell her how precious she is to you. Leaf through the book together with a laugh and a tear. Come back to the wonderful moments you experienced together!

So, a personal photo book shows how important your best friend is to you. Here you will relive all those special moments. Collect all your most beautiful memories, transform them into a photo book and surprise her with this beautiful gift.

Header image: Unsplash, John Schnobrich





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