The healthiest and unhealthiest snack in the snack bar (and why)

Snacks from the snack bar are very tasty, but certainly not healthy. Yet you can limit the damage by choosing the snack that is the ‘healthiest’.

Top 5

When you walk into the snack bar you are not necessarily looking for something healthy, and we know that. After all, you are there for the tasty treat, and not to watch your diet. But which fatty bite do you prefer? Quest examined five popular snacks to determine which one is the healthiest, and guess what? A cheese souflé disappoints: with too many calories and the wrong fats, the cheesy bite takes fourth place. The almost ‘extinct’ bami disc contains too much sugar, which is why it ends up in third place. The frikandel and the croquette are also not really good for you, but the frikandel comes in second place because it contains more salt than the croquette. You can read below what the healthiest and unhealthiest snacks in the snack bar are.

The unhealthiest snack at the snack bar

But what is the unhealthiest snack? The berehap is in last place, firmly at the bottom at number five. This is because they weigh the heaviest, namely approximately 150 grams. The other snacks weigh about half as much, so you get a lot more calories. Even if you were to compare all snacks per 100 grams, the bar snack would perform the worst in the test. In addition, the snack contains more than half of the recommended daily amount of salt.

If you ask dietician Femke van Liere, who researched for the AD what the healthiest and unhealthiest order is, she says that the mexiacano is the unhealthiest. It has 390 calories, a large part of which consists of unsaturated fats. It also contains no less than 7.3 grams of salt, while the recommended amount per day is six grams.

The healthiest snack

As you may have guessed, the croquette came out best in the test according to Quest. This is because the croquette contains 190 calories and contains less salt than a frikandel, which ranks second. It is also recommended that the croquette is only eaten as a substitute for regular meat with meals, and not eaten in addition to normal meals. After all, it remains a fried snack, so it is not really healthy

According to the AD, it is best to choose a chicken satay without sauce. This has the fewest calories and fats, with the fats being mainly saturated. You can actually think of it as wounded pieces of chicken fillet, because you don’t use any sauce with it.





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