Creepy! These are the first images of a live-action horror film about Mickey Mouse

Just about every child grew up with Disney characters such as Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse. The animals simply create a lot of cheerfulness because of their cute, fluffy appearances. Only that is now changing. After Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse is also being horrified. Oh no! The copyright of the famous mouse has only just expired and makers are already sharing a trailer for the new horror film Mickey’s Mouse Trap.

Trailer for horror movie about Mickey Mouse

Let us warn you in advance: the horror film about Mickey Mouse is not for the faint of heart! Normally children are fans of the cute mouse, but this time they should avoid the film. After the horror film about Winnie the Pooh, it is now Mickey Mouse’s turn. The copyright on the original Disney character has officially just expired. This means that Mickey Mouse can officially be tinkered with. And director Jamie Bailey did that immediately. On Tuesday, January 2, it will be announced that a film will be released starring a horror version of the famous mouse. Help! With the announcement, the trailer for Mickey’s Mouse Trap was also immediately released. And the images bode well for horror fans.

Murderous Mickey

In the horror film about Mickey Mouse we meet Alex, who is celebrating her 21st birthday. Unfortunately, she is stuck in the gaming hall where she works on her birthday. That’s why her friends decide to surprise her. However, they are then surprised by someone in a Mickey Mouse mask (played by actor Simon Phillips), who wants to kill them. Creepy! According to the director, they had a lot of fun making the film. “It’s ridiculous,” he said in a statement. “We got into it and had fun with it and I think it shows.”

When to see?

It is not yet known when the movie Mickey’s Mouse Trap will be released. It does look like the film has already been made. So it can’t be long until the film release. As mentioned, it is not the first time that a horror film has been made about a Disney character. The adorable Winnie the Pooh already preceded his fellow Disney character. In that case, the film also came soon after the copyright on the original Disney character expired. Are we seeing a trend here? Although we doubt whether everyone is really looking forward to this.

In any case, you can watch the trailer for the horror movie about Mickey Mouse here:





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