Did he lie? Twenty4tim should go to the jungle

Did he lie?  Twenty4tim should go to the jungle

Did Twenty4tim (23) perhaps deviate a little from the truth? There have been rumors about the cast of the 2024 jungle camp for weeks. Cora Schumacher (46) and Heinz Hoenig (72) have already been confirmed as candidates. But also Nico Legat, Sarah Kern (55) and Twenty4tim should be there. The web star recently denied the speculation. But now there are new indications that Tim is there after all!

As Bild claims to have found out, Tim is supposed to go there in January Jungle camp move – especially since he had announced weeks ago that he would be going on vacation during that time. RTL has neither confirmed nor denied this. A statement to the newspaper probably simply said: “We do not participate in speculation.”

Almost two weeks ago, Tim explained that he was far too afraid of the show. “Above all, my fear of all the animals is the reason why I’m not taking part yet. I’ve also seen that it says everywhere that I could be there in January. But definitely not in 2024,” he emphasized in an interview.

Cora Schumacher, TV star
Cora Schumacher, TV star
Twenty4Tim, TikTok star
Twenty4Tim, TikTok star
Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen, the “Jungle Camp 2023” moderators
Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen, the “Jungle Camp 2023” moderators





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