You should be aware of these signs of heart problems

Our heart is one of our most important organs. It is always good to keep an eye on our health, but with this organ it is perhaps the most important. Especially in our younger years, we can forget to pay attention when it comes to our health. Therefore, these are the signs of heart problems that all young people should know.

You feel tired and out of breath for no reason

Your heart pumps oxygen and other nutrients through your body that keep you energetic. If this process is disrupted, you can quickly lose that energy. In women, this can be a sign of heart failure. If this is something you’ve always run into, then this probably won’t be the case. But if you suddenly can’t do your daily tasks without getting out of breath, it might be time to sound the alarm.

You feel dizzy or even faint

When you faint, it often means that there is not enough blood flowing to your brain. And fainting often for no reason is not normal. Constantly feeling like you are going to faint at rest is disturbing, but having this feeling while exercising is also not normal. And you don’t necessarily have to actually faint to see this as a signal of heart problems. Constantly feeling inexplicably dizzy is also not a good sign.

You feel pressure on your upper body

Pressure on your upper body can be caused by many different things. Of course, there are other important organs there, such as your lungs. However, chest pain is often a sign that something is wrong with your heart. You can also feel this pain in your throat, shoulders, arms, jaw or back. In addition, constant nausea and cold sweats can also accompany this.

Your heart rate suddenly increases or you get panic attacks for no reason

Your heart rate can suddenly increase for all kinds of reasons. Think of drinking a lot of coffee, stress or seeing your crush. But if your heart suddenly starts racing for no reason, it could mean there’s more going on. When your heart rhythm is disturbed, it can feel like a pounding in your chest, but you can also feel it if your heart suddenly beats differently than normal. This does not always indicate heart problems, but it is never wrong to have it checked.

Multiple symptoms plus poor sleep can indicate heart problems

If you recognize one or more of the above problems, and you also sleep poorly, this could be a sign of heart problems. This is because you lie flat while sleeping. Your blood then flows from your legs to your heart, which can overwhelm the organ. This can cause you to have difficulty breathing while sleeping and suddenly wake up out of breath. If this is something you experience regularly, it’s not a bad idea to seek medical attention.





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