What does a pregnancy dream mean?

Have you ever had a pregnancy dream? Apparently this happens quite often. Many women and girls share their reactions to such a dream on TikTok. Often they cry or are confused about why they are dreaming about this. Why do you sometimes dream about being pregnant? If you want to know this, be sure to read on because these are the possible reasons why you dream about being pregnant.

Also read: The meaning of the 6 most common dreams

Desire to have children and dream of pregnancy

Are you at the point in your life where you are ready to have children or do you think about it a lot? If you want to have children or want children soon, it is not crazy to have a pregnancy dream. If you often think about being pregnant or having children, you may also dream about it, according to Rafael Pelayo, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Not surprising, because people often dream about what is going on in their lives.

Fear of pregnancy

Do you not want children at all? A dream about pregnancy is sometimes also due to the opposite of a desire to have children. If you are afraid of pregnancy or having children, you may dream about this. Stress or anxiety sometimes causes nightmares, this also happens due to negative thoughts about pregnancy and having children.

Inner development

A pregnancy dream does not always necessarily have to do with pregnancy. Your dream about pregnancy might be a metaphor for something creative. When you are working on a creative project and you are in this process, your dream about pregnancy may come from this. The project is then the ‘baby’ in your belly that is developing. A pregnancy dream sometimes also means that you yourself are developing. Maybe you are entering a new phase of life, for example you are starting a new job or living on your own. If you don’t think about pregnancy, but you dream about it, this might be the reason.

Fear of responsibility

With a new phase of life comes new responsibility. Not ready for this? Then you might dream about pregnancy in the form of a nightmare. This is because you are afraid of this new responsibility. Your pregnancy dream is a metaphor for this.

Dreaming that your friends are pregnant

Do you not dream about your own pregnancy, but rather that your friends are pregnant? You may then have the feeling or fear that you are growing apart. Your girlfriend may be developing and this will reflect as pregnancy in your dream.





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