Oh no! Will we say goodbye to GTST-Laura after an exciting summer cliffhanger?

The new monthly trailer of Good Times, Bad Times gives an exciting preview of what is to come during the exciting summer cliffhanger. For months there have been rumors about the possible departure of soap icon Jette van der Meij, known for her role as Laura, who struggles with Parkinson’s disease in the series.

Will Laura go under in Curaçao?

The trip to Curaçao seems to be the setting for a heartbreaking twist in the story. In the trailer, we see Laura trembling across a dock, followed by a disturbing image of her hat floating in the water. Is this a harbinger of her tragic demise?

End of era

If Laura really dies, it will mark the end of an era. Jette van der Meij has been playing the role of Laura Selmhorst since 1990 and has denied previous rumors about her departure. Yet the makers seem to want to make a drastic change after thirty-four years.


Comments from fans pour in below the video. “Nooooo Laura, please don’t do this! If Laura dies, GTST will never be the same again,” reads one of the emotional responses. Fans are pleading for mercy for Laura and speculating about what this may mean for her future on the series. Watch the gripping trailer below and prepare for a summer cliffhanger you won’t soon forget.

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