Why you sometimes have your period twice in a month

If you think you have finally gotten rid of a week of tampons, sanitary towels and menstrual cups, you can start again after a short time. Many women sometimes have their period more than once in a month. How did that happen?

Why you sometimes have more than one period in a month


If you have any bleeding between your periods, it is best to always check with your doctor. Intermittent bleeding sometimes indicates a sexually transmitted disease or disease. Even if you have started a new method of hormonal contraception and the doctor has told you that you can expect irregular bleeding for a while, it never hurts to stop by. Rest assured, there doesn’t always have to be something serious going on. It is nice to know this for sure.


There are several reasons why you have your period more often. Most women assume that the only ‘normal’ length between periods is 28 days, when in fact anything from 21 to 40 days is considered normal. Some people simply have a cycle that is shorter or longer.


Age also affects your period. As you approach menopause, your cycle becomes longer, shorter or more irregular. This is one of the most common menopausal complaints.


Stress has a bad influence on your period. It releases the hormone cortisol. If you have too much of it in your bloodstream, it disrupts the estrogen and progesterone (which has an important influence on your menstrual cycle) in your body. Extreme stress wreaks havoc on your hormone balance. If you have gone through a heavy period or a traumatic event or have made major changes in your lifestyle, you will notice that your menstrual pattern changes. This also happens when you gain or lose a lot of weight.


There is a connection between your diet and your period. Doctors say that diets that contain large amounts of processed foods, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (which are quickly absorbed into the blood), and trans or saturated fatty acids should be limited. The processes in your menstrual cycle require adequate amounts of nutrients and energy to occur, so if your diet results in nutritional deficiencies or excessive amounts of weight loss, this may also play a role in irregular periods.

Other causes

There are several conditions that cause you to have your period more than once: PCOS, thyroid disorders, high levels of the hormone ‘prolactin’, certain medications or bleeding disorders. Too much bleeding leads to anemia. It is therefore always advisable to always visit your GP if you have any concerns.





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