Flying for the first time? You should pay attention to this

Flying to the furthest countries is already more than normal. There are still many of us who have never flown. Because it doesn’t happen or because it’s scary. We have tips so that you can make your first flight well.

Pay attention to this if you are flying for the first time


Preparation is important for flying in general, but especially if it is your first time. Check carefully when your flight is, what time, when check-in is, etc. Do this well in advance and keep an eye on it for any changes. You want to travel with a good feeling and that is not possible if there are all kinds of changes at the last minute.

Also find out what the weather is like at the location you are flying to. Is it cold when you arrive, or is sweat already on your forehead when you first land? Pack your suitcase based on this weather forecast. The warmest locations are a few degrees cooler when you go there. So don’t rely on the general temperatures, but really look for the forecast at that time. Also, just to be sure, take an extra sweater or shorts with you.


Your ticket shows exactly where you need to be, what time and when. It is often not that difficult to find at a small airport, but at our own Schiphol it is easy to lose your way. The data may also change. Even on the day of departure, it is possible that all kinds of things change. Before departure, check at which departure hall the airline expects you. This way you get to the gate faster and you don’t have to walk long distances. Many people also check where their gate is as soon as they go through security. Just so they know where to find it and that it actually exists. Only then do they eat or drink something. Even while you are at the airport it is possible that the gate changes. So keep a close eye on it!


Customs is also an issue for many. What are they doing there? What is and is not allowed in your hand luggage? All kinds of questions run through your head when you fly for the first time. We understand that this is a very strange thing, so we will take you through the process step by step. So nice!

Taking things with you

Not all items are allowed in your hand luggage. For example, you are only allowed one liter of liquids. Gels and creams also fall under this category. All products come in packaging of a maximum of 100 ml and come together in one transparent bag, so that customs see exactly what it is.

In the Netherlands we don’t make a lot of fuss about taking medication with us. You can put most of them in your suitcase without a doctor’s note. To be on the safe side, it is always an option to take a statement with you. Other countries are stricter on medicines. For example, there are countries that only allow ADHD medications for a few cases. Even a doctor’s note won’t get you far. So find out in advance what the rules are in the destination country.

Sharp objects are not allowed. So assume that your nail scissors will be taken out of the suitcase. In some cases, scissors may be taken along, if they are small enough. Even then, it is up to customs to check your luggage. Weapons are also (of course) not allowed. Just leave your kitchen knife at home.

Your laptop and other electronics may remain in your hand luggage. Do not do this in the airspace as it is potentially dangerous. That’s why they don’t make it a problem at customs!

Through the scan

When you go through customs, you don’t walk straight through. There is often a long line and it takes a long time. To get through this quickly, it is possible to reserve a time slot. You do this online at Schiphol based on your flight. This way you can continue straight away and there is no chance that you will be late for your flight. When you arrive at the belt, put your hand luggage in the bins provided for this purpose. Your phone and jacket are also allowed. At Schiphol you are allowed to keep watches and jewelry, but this varies per airport. Your belongings then go through a scanner, where they see exactly what’s inside. You go through a metal detector gate at the same time. This scans you and lets the employees know if something is wrong. They will then check you manually. If all is well, your stuff will quickly reach the other end of the belt and you can take it all back with you. Do not wear high shoes, because the employees often ask you to take them off.


Distraction during flight is also important. If you’re all alone with yourself, chances are you’re in your head thinking up bad scenarios. For example, bring a book that you have always wanted to read. Download a series or film on Netflix in advance and watch it during your flight. It is also possible to turn on music and doze off. So think about what you would like to do during the flight





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