That’s how dirty your handbag actually is

What do you think is dirtier? A toilet where many a bottom has baked hot cakes or your own personal handbag with your most precious belongings that you take with you every day? It wouldn’t be… your beloved handbag dirtier than a pair of ordinary toilet glasses, would it?

Handbag dirtier than the toilet

We’re sorry, but your worst fear is correct… When you think of bacteria bombs, you think of dishcloths, keyboards, elevator buttons and public toilets, but your handbag is not innocent either. And indeed: your bag is crawling with more bacteria than the average toilet. Do not you believe it? Think about it, you probably clean your toilet more often than your handbag.

How do you think your handbag gets so dirty? Professor of Biomedical Sciences Donna Duberg explains. First of all, of course, we put it everywhere and nowhere on the floor. On the seat of public transport, on the floor of a public toilet and simply on the street. And you’ll touch that again later… We also put plenty of things in our handbag that are a source of bacteria. Things that are often not cleaned. Think of keys, cards, money and your phone.

More bacteria are said to be found on leather bags than on other fabrics, because small bugs nest more easily in the microscopic cracks. A 2013 German study found that old jars of hand cream were the dirtiest object in the average handbag – containing more bacteria than just the toilet seat. Brrr…

Poop bacteria

We can still mentally deal with the fact that our bag is ‘dirty’, but when you hear how dirty it is, it is a bit of a shock. In a scientific study, E.coli bacteria (yep, the poop bacteria) and staphylococcus bacteria (causing intestinal problems and skin conditions) were found in a large number of handbags.

Cleaning for your handbag

Fortunately, we have a good immune system that keeps germs out, but you have to be careful if your resistance is a bit less. So empty your bag weekly and shake out most of the junk. Clean the bag and interior contents with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Don’t forget the boxes! Always allow to dry thoroughly so that no mold develops. When it comes to cleaning the outside of your bag, you need to pay attention. You can’t just pat suede with a wet dishcloth. Leather also needs special care. Consult the washing label on the bag or have it professionally cleaned.

Also make sure you wash your hands regularly. Especially if you’ve been rooting through your bag for a long time or touching the bottom.





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