⁠⁠Are you almost graduated? Then you will definitely recognize these things

You are almost finished with your studies. Your thesis is almost finished. The end is really in sight now. You will recognize the following situations if you are almost graduated. We have listed them for you.

You will recognize these things when you are almost graduated

1. Yes almost done!

Yess! This is the first thought that goes through your head. For years you have been working hard for this piece of paper and now it is really almost in. It feels almost unreal. How time has flown.

2. Making plans

Hmm, what do you want to do next? Are you going for a world trip or a master’s degree? Maybe you are ready for a new challenge and are going to work. You better start making plans for what you might do after your studies. Better too early than too late.

3. Doubts

Now that you have made your plans, you start to doubt a little. Should I actually do this? Or should I start looking for a job right away. You suddenly don’t know what you want anymore. You suddenly enter a different phase of your life.

4. What are you going to do after your studies?

By now you’ve heard this question 100 times. “What are you actually going to do after your studies?” Yes, good question, you don’t really know yourself yet. You just graduated.

5. “Help, I need money”

Oh yeah, now that you’re almost graduated, you won’t get anything from Uncle Duo anymore. You forgot about that for a moment. How are you going to pay for your room now? Actually, you should be looking for a job now, right?

6. Not a student, but not yet an adult either

You are almost graduated now, which means that you will not be able to go out every time. But sitting on the couch all day is not going to work either. You are not a student anymore, you do not feel like an adult yet.

7. Applying for a job

Want to work? It’s time to apply! You start right away. Your resume is already in various places. Great job!

8. Let people know what they think of your choice

Once you’ve made a choice, others let you know their opinion about it. They all have their own opinions. “Do you want to work now? You should actually enjoy yourself for a while.” Pff, I think you can decide that for yourself.

9. Almost done and everyone knows it

You suddenly get texts from people you never speak to. More people know you’re graduating than you realized.

10. Mega proud of yourself

You can certainly be proud! You didn’t fight for nothing all those years. You did it! On to the next.





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