Are you shy of people? That might be because of this!

People who tend to avoid the company of other people are also described as people shy. They do not like social contact and quickly feel uncomfortable about it. These introverts withdraw when things get busier and prefer to be alone rather than with others. Why is it that you are shy of people?

Where does shyness come from?

There are several reasons why someone is shy of people. First, it is possible that someone has had a bad experience in the presence of other people in the past. Or perhaps someone has been bullied in the past and therefore has difficulty making social contacts. In addition, someone may feel different from the others in the group and therefore withdraw. Low self-esteem is also a common reason for being shy about people. Someone with low self-esteem convinces themselves that they do not belong in the company. These negative thoughts ultimately cause someone to isolate themselves from others.

How do you get rid of it?

Do you suffer from people shyness? Don’t stress, there are many ways that will help you get rid of it:

  • Works on your own self-esteem. Your negative thoughts are often not based on facts. Therefore, think carefully about your beliefs about yourself. A higher self-esteem gives you more self-confidence. This makes it easier to move around in a group.
  • Seek professional help

People shyness and social anxiety

People shyness often goes hand in hand with social anxiety. This is mainly about the fear of the opinions of others. They feel that they are constantly under a magnifying glass and out of fear of conflict they often keep their opinions to themselves. People with social anxiety, just like people who are shy of people, try to avoid every social situation. Because this is not possible, these people constantly suffer from stress. And even though they know that there is no need for fear, they continue to experience this stress.

Social anxiety may manifest itself in one specific situation or in multiple situations. And although it often seems like people with social anxiety are just a little shy, there is much more going on in their minds. The constant feeling of anxiety may even cause someone to experience physical symptoms:

  • Panic attacks
  • Tensions in the muscles
  • Vibrate
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • To blush
  • Stomach and intestinal complaints
  • To sweat
  • Pass out

How does social anxiety arise?

The origins of social anxiety are not always clear. Although most researchers claim that it is caused by a combination of heredity and environmental influences, it may also be influenced by other problems such as depression.

Social anxiety disorder

There is a chance that social anxiety will progress to a social anxiety disorder. To prevent this, it is wise to take action in time.

  • Seek professional help;
  • Talk about it with the people around you;
  • Look for things that help you with the anxious feeling. For example, consider meditation or yoga;
  • Make sure you get enough sleep;
  • Exercise sufficiently;
  • Create a routine in your day;
  • Limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine.





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