Married At First Sight viewers have doubts about David and ‘much more spontaneous’ Kim

The moment Kim (34) and David (34) are introduced in Married At First Sight, TV viewers are enthusiastic. The couple shines on their wedding day, but they have two completely different characters. You would think: opposites attract. Still, viewers on social media have some doubts about the match. Will Kim be able to get David out of his head and shell?

Kim and David in Married At First Sight

This season of Married At First Sight, TV viewers are a lot more critical of the couples and experts. There is a lot of discussion on social media during the broadcast about the various matches, with viewers saying there are already a few ‘mismatches’. Fortunately, things are also going well in some marriages, for example with Jeppe and Jantine and Kim and David. The latter received a lot of positive reactions to their wedding ceremony. Many viewers call them a ‘nice couple’ and see a positive ending on the horizon. Kim and David had a good laugh during the wedding, especially when Kim made a funny comment. At one point, David couldn’t get her wedding ring on, so she said, “Just keep pushing!” Then there was laughter from the audience, after which wedding official Marielle Jongemans said: “We have a visual thinker in the audience!”

Different characters

There are certainly still some snags in their marriage. For example, Kim is a self-confessed over-enthusiastic person. “If I like someone, I want to make a lot of effort to be with someone,” she tells expert Anne Campagne before the wedding. Maybe that’s also a bit of separation anxiety. According to her, she may indeed be afraid of losing the other person. However, this over-enthusiastic behavior can put someone off. David, in turn, spends a lot of time in his head. Although, according to him, there is more room for feeling “than people think”. However, he normally tries to avoid conflicts. As a result, he has a tendency to ignore himself.

Kim and David do have very different characters. Kim also seems a little more mature than David. For example, Kim currently works as a teacher, while David is still studying. He also works as a consultant. In the meantime, he lives with his mother, because he cannot currently get his own home. He had sold his old home when he went to Sweden for a while to study.

Feels familiar

Now they are both participating in Married At First Sight and they are both hoping for a good marriage. Who knows, this may be the start of a ‘house, tree, animal’ for Kim and the start of David’s real adult life. During the honeymoon in episode 8, David says that it feels familiar with Kim: “She doesn’t feel like a stranger.” They are not really intimate yet, although they both have no problem with this yet. They’ll see how things go. “We’re both open to everything,” Kim says. Yet their different characters remain very striking. She is clearly much more spontaneous than he is, David notices that himself. “Kim is a lot more spontaneous than I am,” he says to the camera. “I’m more of the planner, the thinker. I’m still very much in my head.” Fortunately, Kim seems to be doing her best to get David out of his head. She calls it funny, because she’s the complete opposite. David suggests that this is part of the experiment. “I did indicate that I need someone to give me a kick in the ass,” he explains. Fortunately, Kim likes that at the moment, she says. That is good news for David, who occasionally feels a “tickle” with Kim. Aww… Only he thinks it’s too early to call this crush.

Doubts among viewers

Due to the completely different characters, some viewers on social media channel X have doubts about Kim and David. Even though people always say “opposites attract”. In any case, viewers hope that David doesn’t stay in his head for too long. Kim doesn’t mind now that he needs a ‘kick in the ass’. Of course, annoyances can always come later. Will Kim be able to get David out of his head and shell?





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