Can’t stop snoozing? These are the best solutions

Who doesn’t like sleeping? When your alarm goes off in the morning, it is very tempting to hit snooze so that you can lie down for a while. But anyone who does this regularly knows that it can also make you late because you stay in bed too long. Would you like to unlearn snoozing? These are our favorite solutions.

Seek natural light as soon as you wake up

Seeing sunlight as soon as you wake up is one of the best ways to stabilize your internal clock. It is also a good way to get yourself out of bed. But if you’re in a snooze cycle where you quickly turn off the alarm and then turn it back on, this can be quite difficult. Still, we recommend you give it a try and stick with it. The longer you do this, the easier it becomes. Gradually you will feel less and less inclined to press the snooze button.

To get light, we recommend drinking your coffee or doing your make-up in front of your window, for example. In any case, open your curtains to let in the daylight. Do you have to get out of bed so early that there is no daylight yet? Then we recommend putting a lamp on your bedside table that you can turn on immediately as soon as your alarm goes off. Go for a lamp that is reasonably bright.

Set two alarms that go off five minutes apart

Most people snooze more than twice and end up staying in bed half an hour or even an hour too long. The best way to prevent this is to set multiple alarms. Set two alarms that go off five minutes apart, preferably on two separate devices. Because you know that you will be confronted with an alarm clock again in a few minutes, it is less tempting to press that snooze button. If the second alarm goes off from another place, you have to drag yourself out of bed to turn it off. For example, do you have to get up at seven o’clock? Then set your first alarm for five to seven and the second for seven.

Reward yourself if you manage not to hit snooze

If you have something to look forward to in the morning, you are immediately less likely to want to press that button. For example, reward yourself with a delicious breakfast if you can resist hitting snooze, or make your favorite coffee. Rewarding yourself for performance is always better than punishing yourself when things don’t go well. This creates a positive association with unlearning snoozing.





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