Do you get a headache due to a change in weather? This is why

Does your head also start pounding as soon as the weather turns? Then you are certainly not alone. A change in the weather not only means an upgrade of your wardrobe, but for some it is also a real pain in the ass.

Press your head

Very peaceful, those falling leaves, but for some people the change in weather is less pleasant. You soon feel pressure on your head and yes: a severe headache is the result. For some it can even result in a migraine attack. Ah, the wonders of Mother Nature…

What causes it?

Those headaches don’t just happen. When the weather changes, the barometric pressure, or air pressure, drops very quickly. This causes the air in your sinuses and sinuses to expand. This puts more pressure on your blood vessels, resulting in a severe headache. Air pressure is not the only natural phenomenon that can cause headaches. A high moisture content, rapidly rising temperatures, thunder, storms and rain can also cause palpitations in your head.

Soothe complaints

Can you do something about it? The answer is very simple: no. Unfortunately, we’re not yet at the point where we can change the weather and prevent this from happening – although that’s probably a good thing! There are a number of things you can do to make things a little more pleasant.

  1. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. For example, fill a water bottle with water and keep it with you so you can remind yourself.
  2. Go outside (provided there is no storm) for some fresh air.
  3. Massaging your head or holding an ice pack against it for a few minutes can also help.
  4. Old but gold: put your phone away. Staring at a bright screen is not very conducive to your headache.





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