First girl group: Spice Girls get their own set of stamps

First girl group: Spice Girls get their own set of stamps

You will be given a special honor! In the 90s, Mel B. (48), Geri Halliwell (51), Victoria Beckham (49), Melanie C. (49) and Emma Bunton (47) achieved great fame as the Spice Girls. With catchy tunes like “Wannabe” and “Viva Forever,” the five girls quickly became one of the most famous girl groups in the world. But in 2000 it was supposed to be over: the band announced their separation. Despite a small reunion, they have now gone their separate ways. Now the Spice Girls are being honored in a special way!

As Daily Mail reports, they will be the first girl group to receive their own set of commemorative stamps issued by the Royal Mail. This will be released on January 11th to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the successful pop group. “When we founded the Spice Girls, we could never have dreamed that 30 years later we would be the first female group to have an entire stamp collection dedicated to them – that’s girl power,” say the musicians about the honor. Each band member receives their own brand. In addition, five stamps will show group photos from international performances.

This makes them only the sixth music group to have their own stamp issue dedicated to them. The Beatles were previously allowed to meet in 2007, Pink Floyd in 2016, Queen in 2020, the Rolling Stones in 2022 and Iron Maiden were delighted to receive this special award last year.

The Spice Girls at a concert in November 2007
The Spice Girls at a concert in November 2007
The Spice Girls at the 2012 Olympics
The Spice Girls at the 2012 Olympics
Queen 1976: John Deacon, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor and Brian May
Queen 1976: John Deacon, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor and Brian May





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