4 tips for going to a party alone

Doing things on your own is more popular than ever. We travel alone, eat alone in a restaurant and visit a theater alone. It brings you a lot, because you don’t have to take anyone else into account and you have the space to go where you want. What’s it like going to a party alone? Sometimes you already have tickets for a club or party on a night when no one is available. What are you doing then? This is what you want to know for a fun evening alone.

Group activity

Many see going out as a group activity. You drink with some people, get a little drunk together and go to the party place together. Whether it is a festival, club or bar, you will always see groups of friends together. For some it is frightening to stand there alone in a corner. We assure you: there is no need for that. You get a lot in return.

Benefits of going out alone

There are many benefits to going out on your own. You don’t have to get expensive laps, you don’t have to walk with people who have to pee (while you’ve just been there) and you don’t have to take music taste into account. You choose which DJ you go to or when you have to go to the toilet: chill! Many people who often go out alone call it liberating.

This is how you make it a great evening

It is very understandable that you are tense when you go out alone for the first time, here are tips to make it a fun experience.

  • Make contact

If you come just to dance, you obviously don’t have to, but be open to contact with others. Just like with a solo trip, you will talk to others more quickly than if you go with someone else. In the toilet, at the bar or while smoking outside, in places where people have a rest is the perfect place to have a chat.

  • Stay in the same place

It may be tempting to walk and hit the road all the time, but it’s better to always return to the same spot on the dance floor. This way you build a connection with the dancers around you.

  • Go home when you want

You are alone so you don’t have to take anyone into account but yourself. Remember that leaving is always an option. Are you tired? Then you’ll be riding your bike home again in no time (for this reason, start at a party close to home).

  • Use your common sense

You are there to have a good time, for the music and to dance and not to numb yourself or go too far. Unfortunately, you are vulnerable and you should remember that.

Step out of your comfort zone and try it out. Dancing while no one you know sees, isn’t it wonderful?





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