7 tips to stay comfortably in a hostel

Are you going on a trip this holiday and staying in a hostel? It’s great to meet new people who also travel. It is also of course a lot cheaper than a hotel. The accommodation is very different from a hotel. You share a room with people you don’t know yet. This is sometimes a bit exciting. You naturally want to relax on holiday and not worry about staying in a hostel. That’s why we have seven tips to make you feel as comfortable as possible during your hostel stay.

Also read: Top tip: use these vacation days to maximize your time off in 2024

Get to know the people in the hostel

Sleeping with complete strangers is probably a bit exciting. Therefore, get to know the people in your room. When you get to know your roommates, you will also worry less about your stay. A close friendship may even develop. Cooking together is the perfect way to start a conversation with someone.

Be attentive

In a hostel it is important to take into account the people you sleep in a room with. So make sure that your alarm clock doesn’t go off early and that you don’t play loud music in the evening. If we all take each other into account, we will all have a good stay. You know what they say: “whoever does good, gets good”.


Even if you already know the people in your room, it’s a good idea to bring a few locks. You put this on your suitcase/bag so that someone else does not have access to it. This also gives you a safer feeling when you are not in your room. You don’t have to think about your stuff because it’s locked anyway.

Sleeping mask and earplugs

Everyone staying in a hostel has a different timetable. Some like waking up early and some like coming home late. So maybe you still hear some noise in the morning or evening. Earplugs are therefore a must have. Are you a light sleeper? You never know when there is a snorer in your room. Then it may be difficult to sleep through the night without earplugs. Returning to your hostel at night is not possible without a flashlight. Your roommates may come home late. If you wake up quickly from light, a sleeping mask is also useful.

Bath slippers

You want to take bath slippers with you to a hostel. With shared showers it is always good to pay attention to hygiene. You don’t want to end up with fungal feet after your holiday.

Sheet bag

Not all hostels are equally clean. Bringing a sleeping or sheet bag is a good idea. Then you at least know that the sheets you sleep in are clean.

Female only room

Are you a woman who finds it a bit more chill to sleep in a room with other women instead of with men? There is a good solution for this: ‘female only dorms’. When booking a hostel room, there is often the option to sleep in a female-only room. This is often a bit more expensive, but it is certainly worth it if you sleep better. Something less common, but sometimes a choice, are queer friendly hostel rooms. It’s definitely worth seeking this out.

Enjoy your holiday

Being alert on holiday is important, but even more important is that you have fun. So don’t forget to enjoy your holiday. With these tips you will feel comfortable in your hostel stay.





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