This is what you do when you have no goals in life

There are times in your life when you just keep going, but for what? You get up, have breakfast, leave for work, work, return home, eat and sleep again. In between you check your social media, watch a series or talk to a friend, that’s all there is to it. While others chase their dreams, you feel happy that you ‘survived’ this day again. Do you feel like you have few goals in life? With these ways you will find that life mission again.

Life goals

A (life) goal is a result that you strive for and the reason for doing something in a certain way or going all the way for something. It sounds like a big thing, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. It is different and different for everyone. Having goals is important. It makes your life more meaningful and ensures that you know why you get out of bed and go to work. It gives you energy and helps prevent stress. There is a connection between that.

Consequences of not having life goals

Living without purpose is bad for both your mental and physical health. Goals make you feel better because you have the feeling that the things you do lead to something and are useful. You feel happier, things go easier and it gives you meaning in what you do and life. If you don’t have that, you are more likely to develop psychological complaints such as developing a burnout or a boreout (when you are stressed because you are bored).

Finding purpose

What do you really want? In your work, with your partner or when you look at dreams from the past? In order to find your life goals again, it is important to think about the following things.

  • Go back to the past: what did you like to do as a child? What made you happy? These things will make you feel good and may help you rediscover a forgotten passion
  • Step out of your comfort zone: because we sometimes live on autopilot, it is sometimes good to step away from that. You challenge yourself and overcome your fears, this increases your self-confidence and teaches you more about yourself. The most important consequence: it helps you find a purpose! Maybe that goal is very far away from you now, but you will only find it if you take a different path.
  • Interests and activities: what gives you energy? What gives you pleasure? What makes you happy? This helps you figure out what you really want. What do you like to stand up for? What can’t you stop talking about? What would you most like to do if money were no object? Nothing comes to mind? Then it is smart to make a list of things you don’t like, so you don’t do them anymore.

See finding your life purpose as an adventure. You’re not the only one who sometimes doesn’t know, so don’t feel pressure. It will come. After all, everyone is just muddling through, right?





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