It’s spring: this is how you do a big spring cleaning

It’s officially spring. That means it’s time for a big spring cleaning! But where should you actually start and how exactly do you do spring cleaning? We go through all the steps for the perfect spring cleaning.

Start by cleaning up loose items

Before you can really clean properly, other items need to be out of the way. So, for example, tidy up the clothes you have collected on a chair and make sure that all items are in their own place.

Wash your bedding

Okay, now you can really get started. Start by taking off your bed and throwing your bedding in the wash. Of course, spring cleaning is not complete if you cannot crawl into a clean bed in the evening.

Also clean your mattress immediately

Now that your bed is empty, you can immediately clean your mattress. Start by vacuuming your mattress. Then tackle any stains with vinegar and dishwashing liquid. Then sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over your mattress to clean it. Allow this to absorb and remove any remaining powder before making your bed again.

Get rid of unnecessary items

An overcrowded house is difficult to keep clean. If you come across items while cleaning that you no longer need, this is the best time to get rid of them. In addition to spring cleaning, this is also a spring declutter!

Dust everything and wipe tables and windowsills

The next step is to dust everything in every room. Then wipe the tables, windowsills, cupboard shelves and any other surface with a cloth.

Clean your windows and doors

We often skip the windows and doors in our normal cleaning routine. Now take a thorough look at this. While you are using a glass cleaner, you can also clean the mirrors at the same time.


Then, the floor. Start by vacuuming all the floors to remove all dust and other debris. Since you still have to walk around a bit, we’ll wait a little longer before mopping.

Clean your carpets, sofa and chairs

Now you can take a good look at your rugs, sofa and chairs. Are there any stains in this? Then now is the right time to treat this. Detergent can often help against stains. But be sure to check what kind of stain it is before you start working on it.

Wash your towels

The bathroom and kitchen all have a good collection of towels. You use these regularly, so it is a good idea to throw them in the wash as well. Put them all together and you’re right.

Do a good deep clean in the bathroom

Then, the entire bathroom. Give the floor, shower, sink and toilet a thorough overhaul. This job in itself can be quite the spring cleaning!

Make the transition to the kitchen

Then it’s the kitchen’s turn. Clean your dishes, then the sink, your stove, oven, microwave and all other appliances. Don’t forget the refrigerator!

Time to mop

Okay, now you can start mopping the rooms where you’re all done.

Do the laundry

Do you have any other laundry? Then this is the time to do that.

Throw away your trash

Finally, you can throw away the trash you collected while cleaning. After this you can put your feet up!





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