This way you can clean your washing machine quickly and properly

It still surprises us a bit; Why on earth should we need to clean our washing machine if that is the machine that cleans itself? All joking aside, we of course know why that is necessary. Yet it’s very easy to forget because it’s not necessarily something you think about first when you wake up. Time for a quick cleaning? That’s how you do that.

Also read: Mice in the house? This clever trick will keep them away for good

Tips for cleaning your washing machine

It is not a very fun task, but it is necessary for clean and nice-smelling laundry. Fortunately, cleaning your washing machine is not difficult. You just need to know exactly how to do it. We have listed a number of things you should keep in mind when cleaning your washing machine.

Rubber band

The rubber band in your washing machine is something you quickly forget, but it is the biggest culprit for smelly and stained laundry. It is therefore key to ensure that this tire is properly cleaned. You will find hair, soap residue and dust particles in it and of course that has to be removed. It is best to do this with a wet paper towel. Easy!

Soap dish

Yes, this is another case of ‘why on earth do I have to clean this’, but you also need to give your soap dish a cleaning every now and then. Soap residue often remains in this container and when you put new soap on it, it is not completely clean. You can complete this job very easily with a soft brush or a wet cloth.


It is a miracle product that can solve almost every (cleaning) problem, vinegar! Throw a generous amount into the washing drum and run the machine on a 90 degree program. The combination of vinegar and the high temperature ensures that limescale residues disappear and unpleasant odors also go away. Your washing machine will smell fresh and fruity again afterwards.

Dishwasher tablet

Another handy trick for quickly cleaning your washing machine is to use a dishwasher tablet. You throw this into your machine and again run a program. It is guaranteed that your washing machine will smell wonderful again and you can do your laundry again. Good luck!





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