Nostalgia! Documentary about Bassie & Adriaan is now showing in cinemas (and you can see it here)

If you are an 80s or 90s baby, you probably remember the cheerful duo Bassie & Adriaan. If you were a fanatical viewer at the time, you were probably happy with the news about the Bassie & Adriaan documentary. Well, now there is some extra nice news: the documentary A Treasure of Memories can be seen in cinemas until December 6. Allmemaggies!

Bassie & Adriaan documentary to be seen in cinema

In the 80s and 90s, Bas and Aad van Toor, better known as Bassie & Adriaan, were one of the most famous duos in the Netherlands. Even if you weren’t a fan, you couldn’t have missed the duo. Due to the great success of the TV series at the time, Bassie & Adriaan are still very well known among the Dutch. People still like to watch the images from back then, because the humor remains fun. It came as a very nice surprise when Bassie & Adriaan announced their documentary six months ago.

Pathé cinemas

And now there is even more good news for the fans, because the documentary about Bassie & Adriaan is now also showing in cinemas. The documentary A Treasure of Memories is currently showing in all Pathé cinemas. Be quick, because it can only be seen until December 6, 2023.

The film looks back on the successful career of brothers Bas and Aad. It is full of interviews from famous fans, but also old, never-before-seen images of Bassie & Adriaan themselves, for example from old interviews. You will also hear conversations from the duo, in which they talk about their long, versatile career.

Great success

Last weekend some performances of the documentary about Bassie & Adriaan took place. They were all completely sold out. The premiere took place in Rotterdam, where Aad himself was also present. He flew over especially for this from Spain, where he currently lives. Unfortunately, his buddy Bas couldn’t be there because of his illness. Aad is happy with the film and calls it “the crowning glory” of his and his brother’s work, he says in an interview with ANP.

You can buy tickets for the documentary A Treasure of Memories via the Pathé website.





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