5 types of rest that everyone needs

Resting is not just sleeping or taking a day off. There are different ways to relax, we have listed them.

5 types of rest

It may surprise you, but sleep and rest are certainly not the same. You relax when you come to yourself, clear your head and recharge your body. Sleeping or sitting on the couch is not enough to do this today. And you still haven’t recovered after a long night? Then you may need a different form of rest.

1. Mental

Our brain is constantly on: stimuli are transmitted from all angles and we do not take much time to process them all, if that is even possible. A moment of pause therefore works wonders, preferably without a telephone. Writing down your thoughts also helps you let go of these findings.

2. Emotional

Social peace is essential if you are not feeling well mentally. Therefore, take some time every now and then to feel what is going on inside you. Also pay attention to what you need, and express these feelings when necessary. Mindfulness can help you with this: it helps you act from your authentic self.

3. Social

You may know yourself in this: you get very tired when you are surrounded by relationships that cost you more energy than they give you. So take a step back and think carefully about which of the people you interact with are draining you of energy, and then focus on the people who bring you more positivity.

4. Senses

Your senses don’t have it very easy throughout the day: you see, hear, smell and feel all kinds of things. It may be the case that you become overstimulated in a certain setting or situation, because there is just so much happening around you. Retreat for a moment: find a quiet space and close your eyes for a moment, until you can cope again.

5. Creative

If you are naturally very creative and act accordingly, it is important to take creative rest. Walk around and be amazed by all the beautiful things you encounter. This could be on the beach, a forest, the park or a museum, but also at home, at work or in the supermarket. Don’t forget to create a place that inspires you, whether it’s at home, an office or another room. Decorate this with photos, art, flowers, posters or other memories you like to relive.





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