5 things you shouldn’t say during a job interview

Yay! Finally, you’ve secured a job interview. Maybe it had to take a while, but it’s time to shine. Such a conversation for a potential new job is of course very exciting, but with these tips on what not to say during the interview you will succeed anyway. Read on quick!

Also read: This is the best way to collaborate with that annoying colleague

Things not to say during a job interview

Remember this carefully, because it could ultimately cost you your job if you mention these things during your job interview. Good luck!

1. Start talking about days off and vacations right away

A conversation can go very well, but it is really better to avoid a topic such as holidays, leave or days off during such a conversation. You want to work, right? Then it is of course not a good idea to immediately start talking about periods when you do not want/cannot work.

2. Say negative things about your old job

If you say nasty things about your old job, you can also say the same about your new job, bosses think. It’s not nice to trash your old job, even if you had a crappy time there. A new colleague or manager will appreciate it much more if you can treat others respectfully, especially behind their backs.

3. Have no weak spots

Yes yes, we know, you are a top choice for this job. But…no one is perfect. You have to show in a conversation that you are the best, but you can also be the best with weaknesses. Everyone has something they are less good at. And no, being a perfectionist doesn’t count.

4. Have no questions

A good way to arrive at your job interview interested and prepared is to ask a lot of questions. Often at the end of such a conversation, your interviewer will ask you if you have any questions. Never answer this with: ‘No, I have no questions’. Even if you don’t really have any questions, ask one anyway. Something like: ‘What does a normal day look like for you?’ for example.

5. Start talking about promotions right away

In a job interview you apply for a position. So you have also received an interview for that position. It is really not a good idea to immediately start talking about promotional opportunities. This basically suggests that you want to get out of this job quickly and move up. Ultimately you may want that too, but first make sure you get this new job in the first place. Ask for a promotion, you can do that later.





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