Want to learn a new language? 4 Tips to Learn a Language Faster

Have you wanted to learn a language for a long time, but is it more difficult than you thought? We know what to do. With these tips you will learn a new language faster.

Learning a new language

Learning a language is not as easy as you might think. You probably had some French, German or Spanish in high school, but there is a reason that it didn’t stick. You often only know the simplest words like ‘hello’, ‘bon appétit’ and ‘dag’, but how do you find your way around on holiday? These tips will help you.

1. Look up meanings

Of course, you need to know what words mean exactly before you can use them. Look up the meaning of the words as soon as you hear them: this way you learn the words you don’t know and you know how to use them in a sentence right away. Repeat these words a few times in your head and write them down in your notes.

2. Watching movies

You can only learn a new language really quickly by watching films and series that come from the country in question. This way you learn exactly how to pronounce words and sentences and how to use the words in a sentence. Use subtitles at the beginning, but make sure that after a while you turn the subtitles off and see how much you still understand. Not only will you learn the language better this way, but you will also get to know the culture of the country.

3. Reading books

This tip will be a bit more difficult at first, but by reading a lot in the language you want to learn you will really see results. Read everywhere you can: on holiday, on the train, during your break or before going to bed. You will often notice that you can already recognise a number of words, and you can then fill in what is being discussed in the sentence. Now we are not saying that you should start with a difficult book right away: a children’s or fairy tale book already works wonders for beginners. Moreover, you can also deduce something from the story through pictures. A cookbook can also work to your advantage: this way you know exactly what ingredients are in this new language, and you will at least make it in the supermarket or when ordering in a restaurant.

4. Listening to music

Listen to music in the language you want to learn. Not only will you get to know the culture of the country, but you will also be able to sing along in no time and understand what is being said. Keep it fun and add a little dance, that is the best way to learn a new language.





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