How does cow’s milk affect your skin?

It is known that your diet affects more than just your weight. For example, your skin is also influenced by your food and drink choices. For example, fast food and a lot of fatty foods give you pimples and healthy food and vegetables give you smooth skin. What about cow’s milk, because we don’t see this as unhealthy. How does cow’s milk affect your skin?

Also read: This is why potato milk is even better than oat milk

Does cow’s milk cause acne?

The influence of cow’s milk on the skin is different for everyone. It is difficult to research, because everyone’s body processes food and drink differently. Although it cannot be determined for everyone, several studies show that drinking milk sometimes causes pimples. It is not yet entirely clear exactly how cow’s milk causes pimples. Many researchers think that pimples are caused by the hormones in cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains natural hormones and dairy farmers also often use growth hormones to increase milk production. These hormones found in cow’s milk sometimes cause pimples.

Does every dairy product have this effect?

So milk probably has an effect on your skin, but does every dairy product have this? Luckily not. Pimples and acne only have a connection with cow’s milk and not with other dairy products. There are fewer hormones in other dairy products such as yogurt. It is also true that one glass of milk does not harm your skin. If you are prone to pimples and acne, it is not a good idea to drink cow’s milk every day.

What if you are lactose intolerant or hypersensitive to cow’s milk?

Are you lactose intolerant or do you have cow’s milk hypersensitivity? Then cow’s milk has more influence on you than just stomach problems. Cow’s milk also affects your skin. If you are lactose intolerant or sensitive to cow’s milk, cow’s milk causes eczema in some people. This is due to certain proteins found in cow’s milk. These create an allergic reaction in case of cow’s milk hypersensitivity. If you are lactose intolerant, you do not digest cow’s milk protein properly. This causes skin complaints such as eczema in some people.


If you really like milk, a few pimples won’t stop you from drinking cow’s milk. Do you find it annoying? Then there are other options instead of cow’s milk. Nowadays there are many plant-based milk varieties. Think of soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk and almond milk. You can buy this in almost every supermarket and cafes often offer this option.





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