3 good reasons to move abroad

Now that it’s cold and we haven’t experienced any warmth for a while, you might be considering taking a long vacation. Or even move abroad. These are reasons why you should do that.

1. Love

Love can conquer everything. It is therefore not surprising that you want to take the step to live abroad with your partner. A long-distance relationship is fun in the beginning, but will become increasingly difficult over time. It’s expensive, tiring and stressful, so traveling back and forth will eventually no longer be an option. If you really want to stay together, living together is the best option. Especially if the relationship becomes more serious and you want to buy a house together, it is useful to be close to each other. Perhaps your other half lives in a wonderfully warm country: get rid of those gray winters.

2. Career

Many young people have difficulty finding a job in the Netherlands after graduation. Your diploma and work experience can be more appreciated abroad. Moreover, experience in another country is good for attracting future employers. You can also go far in the Netherlands, but some jobs are really more favorable abroad. Take the entertainment industry for example: if you want to become a celebrity, you better stay in the Netherlands. Looking for something bigger? A career in London or Hollywood would suit you better. Some other head offices are also located in world cities, where you will experience faster career opportunities.

3. Self-confidence

An international move is not just something, on the contrary: you don’t make such a switch every day. There will be a lot of official hassle involved, but it will also be worth it. Once you get there, you can carry this kind of self-confidence with you. You have insight and knowledge of how the legislation applies to visas and the housing market. You also (often) leave your friends and family behind in our little country, so you will have to make new social contacts. This is also not a problem, because this way you can get rid of your social anxiety. You also get to know hidden qualities of yourself: you have to do many things on your own and you have to deal with situations that you may never have thought you could do. Plus, you learn a new language abroad: good for your development and your self-confidence.





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