The One and Only Great Yearly Horoscope of Leo

What do the stars say about 2024?

A new love, a career change… Or is a move planned? Whatever the stars have in store for you, with the Great Annual Horoscope of Elegance you will be prepared for everything in 2024. And that is exactly why we are lifting the veil on the zodiac sign Leo!

The year of the Lion

Since you are quite active and regularly push the boundaries with regard to sports and/or outdoor activities, the risk of injuries is greater this year. Don’t push yourself to the limit and build up slowly. There is also a chance that you will suffer from a physical ailment around February. To prevent you from continuing to struggle with it for an unnecessarily long time, it is wise to visit your doctor. Your back and knees are your weak points this year, so be careful not to overload them.

Although you would like to change some things about your home, you will have little or no time available in 2024 to realize your wishes in this area. This will change in the coming years, although you will tackle it step by step, at your own pace. Lots of things happen within the family and everyone is busy with themselves in their own way, but you don’t mind that. Less contact also means more peace at home, which you need extra now. You are not expecting many visitors this year.

Also curious about what awaits you in love and in your career? You can read the rest of your horoscope in the Elegance that is now in stores!

Text: Nathalie Kriek | Illustrations: iStock





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