Louisa Dellert’s health suffered greatly from porn addiction

Louisa Dellert's health suffered greatly from porn addiction

She struggled for years. Actually is Louisa Dellert a successful author and influencer. On her channels she chats openly and honestly about everyday topics, but also about things like mental health, fitness and politics. She has also worked on TV several times and continues to produce reports for Stern and Spiegel to this day. But now she reveals a very personal topic: Louisa suffered from a porn addiction for a long time.

She admits this in the podcast “Lights out at 10!”. “I used porn very, very intensively for a long time and at some point it was no longer healthy,” explains Louisa. Things were particularly bad during the health crisis. Her porn consumption no longer had anything to do with pleasure, but was simply to relieve stress. Once she even almost stopped at a rest stop just to watch a film: “It was such an impulse back then that I said, something couldn’t be right.” So in the end, even her mental health suffered.

But how got Louisa Get a grip on your need for sex films? Above all, dealing with what happens behind the camera in porn opened her eyes. And ultimately her new boyfriend also helped her overcome her addiction. Today, the blogger only looks in a controlled manner and only on so-called fair trade sites, where the actors are paid and treated well.

Louisa Dellert in March 2022
Louisa Dellert in March 2022
Louisa Dellert with her boyfriend Markus Ehrlich
Louisa Dellert with her boyfriend Markus Ehrlich
Louisa Dellert at the premiere of “The Unbreakables”, 2021
Louisa Dellert at the premiere of “The Unbreakables”, 2021





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