Ali B will be in court in the summer of 2024: prosecuted for rape and sexual assault of three women

Ali B (42) is currently still off the radar. The case surrounding the rape and sexual assault of three women is still ongoing. Although everything is moving more now. The Public Prosecution Service announced on Friday that Ali B will appear in court for this case in June 2024. The substantive treatment will then take place in Haarlem.

Ali B will appear in court in June 2024

The Voice of Holland scandal may have faded from your memory, but the investigation into the suspects is still ongoing. In March 2023, both Jeroen Rietbergen and Ali B were prosecuted for cases involving sexual abuse. In the case of Ali B, it concerns the rape and sexual assault of three women. The 42-year-old rapper is said to have sexually assaulted three women between 2014 and 2018. The incidents took place in Heiloo, Amsterdam and Morocco, one incident of which had to do with TVOH.

After a lengthy investigation, the Public Prosecution Service has now announced when Ali B will appear in court. In June 2024 he will appear in court in Haarlem, where the substantive hearing will take place. This is expected to be on June 12 and 13, 2024. According to Ali’s lawyer, the rapper is “very happy” that there is finally a court date.

“Slow Research”

Ali will answer all questions during the hearing, the lawyer says. “He has not invoked his right to remain silent,” the lawyer said in a statement. The lawyer indicates that it is a “one hundred percent denial”. The fact that Ali is happy with the hearing date is due to the long investigation. “He finds it extremely frustrating that he had to wait 2.5 years for this,” says the lawyer. The rapper calls it an “excruciatingly slow investigation”.

As mentioned, in addition to Ali, Jeroen is also being prosecuted. It is currently unknown when his hearing will take place. The investigation against singer Marco Borsato around TVOH has been dismissed due to a lack of evidence. Marco is still being prosecuted for sexual abuse of an underage girl. This case has nothing to do with the TV show.





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