A delicious and healthy Sinterklaas recipe

You proudly walk out of the supermarket without having given in to your sweet tooth cravings. But the moment you walk into the office and your nose is greeted with the smell of gingerbread… You really can’t hold back anymore!

The wonderful evening is coming and we are reminded of that all too well. Every supermarket is full of spiced nuts, chocolate letters and filled gingerbread. Very nice and nice, all those irresistible delicacies. Especially now that you’re on a diet! Those kilos that you just lost with a lot of effort will soon be back if you give in to all those treats. But giving up is not an option, so you sit faithfully with a carrot behind your desk. But every now and then you can just treat yourself! You’ve been nice too this year, haven’t you? How about a cake that doesn’t make you feel guilty after eating a nice large slice? And you can also bake this healthy gingerbread cake in no time! Double pleasure! Read on for a delicious and healthy Sinterklaas recipe

What you need for one delicious cake

  • a convection oven
  • a food processor
  • a large bowl
  • a cake tin
  • baking paper
  • 200 grams of spelled flour
  • 60 grams of honey
  • 100 milliliters (skimmed, soy or almond) milk
  • 100 milliliters of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons gingerbread spices
  • 12 dates
  • a handful of hazelnuts
  • almonds for garnish

This is how you work

  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line the cake tin with baking paper.
  • Melt the coconut oil in the microwave or a pan until it is liquid.
  • Grind the dates finely in the food processor and add all the ingredients (except the almonds) to the dates and mix until a sticky and firm substance is formed.
  • Spoon this mixture into the cake tin, press it well and garnish the almonds on top of the mixture.
  • Bake the cake for about an hour and enjoy!

What is your favorite Sinterklaas candy?





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