More information in the case against Ali B has been released

The sexual offense case surrounding Ali B is finally starting and now one of his alleged victims is also coming forward. Jill Helena, finalist in The Voice of Holland season 4, wants to have her say in court and tell the rapper to his face what he did to her at the time. She explains this in conversation with the AD.

Right to speak

Jill participated in The Voice of Holland in 2013 and reached the final of the program. But behind the scenes it was apparently not much of a party with coach Ali. After the ANGRY episode that exposed all the abuses of the program, Jill decided to report rape. And now she wants to use her right to speak in court to address the rapper personally. What exactly is she going to say? No idea. Her lawyer Sébas Diekstra does not want to say anything about this at the moment, but you can bet that it will not be pleasant.

Ellen ten Damme

There were a total of four cases against the rapper, but one of them was dismissed by the Public Prosecution Service. In addition to Jill, there are now two other cases against Ali. These consist of another rape case and an assault. One of the women who came forward for rape is singer and actress Ellen ten Damme. She did not report the incident herself, but made a ‘report’ of the incident. The Public Prosecution Service considered the incident serious enough to make a case out of it.

Strong case?

But is it all such a strong case? At RTL Boulevard, criminal lawyer Clarice Stenger expressed her doubts. Maybe there is only one An witness and then it’s just the rapper’s word against that of the victims. And that ANGRY episode may have actually been counterproductive for any witness statements.

Ali B in defense

In the meantime, the rapper himself seems to be going on the attack. It has already become clear that he is prepared to answer all questions about the charges and is even willing to speak to the press in detail after the hearing. According to Clarice, it ‘breathes’ that the Public Prosecution Service does not have such a solid case. “So I’m very curious to see what evidence there will be,” Clarice says.

The trial is on June 12 and 13 in Haarlem.





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