Granddaughter Princess Stéphanie celebrates her first birthday in style

The little Grimaldi offspring is growing like crazy!

Today marks exactly one year since little Victoire Ducruet, the daughter of Louis and Marie Ducruet, was born. How is Grandma Stéphanie’s first grandchild doing now?

Ducruet family

In November 2022, the time had finally come: after endless rumors, Marie and Louis confirmed that Princess Stéphanie’s daughter-in-law was indeed pregnant for the first time. The happy couple announced the news with a playful photo in which the dog Pancake played a leading role.

This fulfilled a long-cherished wish for the family. For example, Louis revealed in Point de Vue in the spring of 2022 that babies were definitely being considered: “The pressure is high from my paternal grandmother, my mother, Marie’s mother, her two brothers and my sisters, who support us ask the question regularly.”


And at the beginning of April last year there was finally a new Monaco baby. The big news was first shared by none other than Louis’ uncle, Prince Albert himself. SAS announced very casually at a first aid event: “My nephew Louis Ducruet and his wife Marie have the pleasure of being parents to a little girl.” There goes your world premiere!

A few days later, Marie herself shared some beautiful photos of the youngest Grimaldi member, and immediately revealed the beautiful name: Victoire.

First birthday

Today, Marie reflects on her daughter’s first birthday in her Instagram stories. The proud mother shares a beautiful photo with her little girl, with the simple text: “Happy first birthday my child.”

“It’s been 1 year since you came into our lives to fill us with happiness, the same happiness we didn’t know existed and now can’t live without,” she begins her loving message in the second Instagram story. “Seeing you grow day by day, learning so quickly, discovering life…” writes Marie.

The candid Marie also hints that she has certainly not been on a pink cloud all year. “This year certainly hasn’t been the easiest,” she writes, “but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. We are so lucky to have you, my love, I love you forever, my girl.”

Awww! It is clear that Victoire grows up in a very loving environment. On to the next birthday!

Source: Instagram @marieducruet | Image: NL Image





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