6 Tips for less stress at work

With these six tips, stress will soon be a thing of the past.

The working day is almost over, but you still have to struggle a bit before you can really let go. In the meantime, you still have to cancel that one lunch appointment for tomorrow, you have two meetings ahead of you and a deadline is breathing down your neck. In short: just stress out.


Research shows that approximately one third of absenteeism is the result of excessive work pressure. Recognizable? With these six tips, stress will soon be a thing of the past.

1. Organize your work
Overloaded with work, but don’t know where to start? Make sure you create an overview. Draw up the three most urgent and important points and make sure you get them done today. Less important matters can also be done later.

2. Dare to say no
Does your dearest colleague ask you for help, but are you dying at work? Then dare to say no. You can only do so much in one day and your own tasks are the most important.

3. Talk to colleagues
Shared suffering is half suffering, as the saying goes. This also applies to your work stress. Just venting to a colleague can provide a lot of relief. Who knows, she might just have the solution for you. Can you really not see the forest for the trees? Then have a conversation with your boss. After all, he knows everything about a high workload and will undoubtedly help you.

4. Take a break
Taking regular breaks for some relaxation is essential to catch your breath. Make sure you go outside during your lunch break. A short walk (preferably in the park) can do wonders.

5. Exercise
Although you may not really want to visit the gym after a long day at work, this is still highly recommended. Not only can you throw everything away and express your frustrations during that one boxing lesson (better there than at your boss), the happiness hormone endorphins are also released during exercise, which automatically makes you feel better.

6. Relax
Although women can do many things at the same time, they are not super humans. Do what you can and put aside what you can’t do in the evening. Research shows that most people sleep worst on Sunday evenings, due to stress about the new working week. Limit this by relaxing and going to bed on time. Tomorrow is another new day.

Source: Marie Claire | Image: Adobe Stock





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