It won’t make you full: this is how many calories there are in semen

While some people get shivers from it, others don’t find it a problem at all: swallowing semen. Of course, it tastes different for every man, because everyone takes care of their body differently. But what exactly do you receive as a recipient of the sperm? And how many calories are actually in semen? We looked it up for you.

Also read: Top 5: best sex positions

How many calories are in semen

This also varies a bit from man to man, but a healthy ejaculation contains about 60 to 300 million sperm cells. That sounds like a big bite, but when you swallow semen, you don’t necessarily get full… When a man ejaculates, (only) three to five milliliters are ejected from the penis. But what exactly is in this? And can you gain weight from the calories in semen? You can read it in this article.

Arriving of sperm

If you swallow semen during sex, you can now be sure that it will not cause you to gain weight. Semen only contains about 5 to 25 calories. Of course, those are calories that you have already burned during the act! So no worries. Are there any nutritional values ​​in the mixture by any chance, or are you actually swallowing it for ‘nothing’?


Bitter vegetables, alcohol and cigarettes can greatly impair the taste of semen. For example, if a man eats a lot of sweet fruit sugars, fortunately you can also notice this in his semen. Anyway, every man naturally takes care of his body differently, so semen will have a different taste and different nutritional values ​​for everyone. However, it is unlikely that you will see any health effects from swallowing semen. This is because the creator produces too little for this per session. You could use semen in your skincare routine…

Sperm keeps the skin young

It may not be a good idea to actually apply semen to your skin, but beauticians are convinced that semen keeps the skin young. The antioxidant spermine, which clearly sounds a lot like the word sperm, ensures that the aging of the skin is prevented and the lifespan of skin cells is extended. You produce collagen, a substance that works for young skin: collagen production is increased by up to 600 percent! It also restores the moisture balance. Why not try a face squirt then…?





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