“Just friends”: Olli Pocher goes 180 because of Amira’s flirtation

“Just friends”: Olli Pocher goes 180 because of Amira’s flirtation

Oliver Pocher (45) is escalating again! The comedian is still mourning the relationship with his ex Amira (31). When she was rumored to be having a liaison with Biyon Kattilathu (39), he developed an entire comedy program to prank the motivational coach. However, a shared lawyer denied the love rumors. Now Amira should come with me Christian Düren get started – and of course Olli really gets going again!

“As long as there is no statement from the joint lawyer, there are only disgusting rumors going around Christian Düren from the joint management, who, as a selfless friend, provides the future Amira Aly with vitamin D,” writes Olli ironically in an article about Amira and Amira’s vacation together Christian in his Instagram story. The comedian also shares a photo in which the presenter has his arm around his wife. Of course, Olli doesn’t like that at all: “Just friends who meet up… That one Christian Düren is very selfless.”

Olli also suggests that Christian is currently in a relationship! “As long as he is in firm hands, he would have his firm hands under control,” he ironically hints at infidelity. Neither Amira nor Christian nor a lawyer has yet commented on the rumors…

Christian Düren, moderator
Christian Düren, moderator
Oliver Pocher and Amira, 2020
Oliver Pocher and Amira, 2020
Christian Düren in January 2024
Christian Düren in January 2024





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